Germany's highest waterfalls

The unique nature experience!

Germany's highest waterfalls in Triberg are a unique memorable attraction. Foaming and roaring, with a descent of 163m the water of the river Gutach plunges over seven major steps down into the valley.

Learn about animals, plants and special features of the waterfall area on descriptive boards and observe the many squirrels along the paths.

The main entrance to the waterfall is easily and quickly reached on foot from the town center. However, four other entrances give you the opportunity to access the falls from all sides. Signposted parking lots can be found in the city area.

The waterfalls are illuminated in the evening until 22:00 (10pm) and offer a fascinating sight.

Check here for the current map „Germany's highest waterfalls" including an overview sketch.

Especially during melting season in spring and after heavy rainfalls, the cascading water masses are enormous and most impressive.

The main platform makes it possible to almost feel the spray of the falls and allows an exclusive view of the cascades. The waterfalls can be visited all year round and offer an impressive backdrop in winter. Bellow you find more information on winter opening hours.

Pick one of the three signposted trail routes and enjoy the natural spectacle on the Nature Trail (Naturweg), the Culture Trail (Kulturweg) or the Cascades Trail (Kaskadenweg).

Contact and opening hours

Triberg Waterfalls – Main entrance
Hauptstraße 85
78098 Triberg im Schwarzwald                                        

Tel.: +49 (0) 7722 86 64 90        

Opening hours:                                                                 
The Waterfalls are open daily. Winter opening with winter prices applies from November.




The entrance behind the Asklepios Clinic, (Ludwigstr.1) is wheelchair -accessible up to the first platform.

Dogs are allowed on a leash in the waterfall area.

Entrance fees

As part of the Triberg Inclusive Card, entry to "Triberg-Land - with interactive model construction facilities" and entry to the Black Forest Museum and the Instagram Museum "Triberg-Fantasy - Simply Beautiful Photos" are free on presentation of a valid waterfall entry ticket!




Waterfall inklusive Schwarzwaldmuseum,

Triberg-Fantasy + Triberg-Land

without guestcard with guestcard




- Chrildren 6 - 17 years

- Disabled from 50% with proof

- Students

Family Card20,0018,50 

Groups up from 20 persons


Free entry

- Children under 6 years
- One person in group size of at least 20 people


All prices are in Euro



Waterfall inklusive Schwarzwaldmuseum,

Triberg-Fantasy + Triberg-Land

without guestcardwith guestcard


- Children 6 - 17 years

- Disabled from 50% with proof

- Students

Family card15,0013,50

Groups up from 20 persons


Entrance free

- Children under 6 years
- One person in group size of at least 20 people


All prices are in Euro

Information about winter opening

Experience Germany's highest waterfalls in winter

The waterfalls can be visited daily even in winter and offer an impressive backdrop in all weathers, whether sun, rain, snow or ice. In addition, the waterfalls are illuminated every day after dusk.

As part of the winter opening, the lower part of the waterfalls is only accessible from the main ticket office to the lower main fall. This part is also cleared and gritted.

Please note:

  • For your own safety, always stay on the designated paths!
  • In winter, paths and bridges can be partially icy.
  • In the event of a storm, snowfall or freezing rain, the waterfall area may be temporarily closed.